Monday, February 14, 2011

Noelle's Reflection of "The Freedom Riders"

In my class of Daisy Bates Ms.Trenkle and Ms.Warrick took the class on a field ttrip to see some of the members from the "Freedom Riders" bus. Before we went to the program the class got to see a movie that was the story of what happened to the people that we were going to see. In the movie we got to see how brutal the white people were to the Freedom Riders. The movie had many scary ctions upon the Freedom Riders. While sitting on the bus they came upon a group of white women and men who busted the bus tires and threw items through the window. While sitting on the bus the white people threw a gas bomb through the window that smoked out the whole bus. The white people decided to lock them on the bus and at anytime the bus could have caught on fire. As soon as they were let free they were lucky that the bus hd just then blew up. Even while off of the bus the white people continued to beat upon them. They were breathing hard from the gas and the hits.One woman felt sympthy and decided to help them by grabing them one at a time and cleaning their face off and giving them water so they can breathe better.

When we arrived at the program we recieved pamphlets the told about what we were going to see.In the begining of the program we got see a short portion of the movie again. After that movie the freedom riders got shared information about their bus ride and who was on it. They gave detail about what happened to them plenty of times while trying to travel different places.They were in a bomb threat while loding on a plane,the were also bomb while sitting on the bus,and their bus driver left them after the car stopped working.The Freedom Riders were stranded with hope that they would not get beat by those white people who were crowding their bus.The Freedom Riders been through alot of brutal activites that put them into a hospital.

In the last portion of the program The Freedom Riders got to answer questions from children all around the united states.They also recieived questions from one student from each school. Stori Williams was the speaker from our school.Many of the questions were asking about if they knew that they would get beat everytime they travel by white people why would they continue to try.If I were to be asked that question I would answer it "I continued to travel on The Freedom Riders because I wanted intergration in different states.If I would have quit we may still have been  segregated place." In the end of the program all of the schools got a chance to take a picture with The Freedom Riders. This program was located at The National Museum American History.

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